Horology Forum 10
Time is of the essence, especially at Horology Forum. Register now to stay in the loop as we unveil thrilling information about the 10th edition: 22-24 October, 2024.
Opt in for HF 2024 Opt in for HF 2024Whose Birkin Is It Anyway?
Whose Birkin Is It Anyway? A sit down with the experts in vintage
This session brings together key players from the vintage, and secondhand luxury goods market to explore the multifaceted world of luxury ownership and the booming interest in vintage treasures. We'll discuss the different forms of ownership, from auctions to private sales, and delve into the factors driving the vintage market's growth, highlighting trends, challenges, and opportunities.
Please note that seating is limited, and all sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis.